
Can the Logos Be Taken Off of Material Arts Gi

Adult Classes For All Abilities

Beginners & Advanced Students. Men And Women. Old And Immature. Come Down & Try Out Our Classes.

Outset Your Training

Kung Fu Cubs

Classes For Children Aged iii-5 Years Former
Develop Early on Years Foundation Skills
Giving Kids a Caput Beginning In a Fun Environment

More than Well-nigh Kung Fu Cubs

Develop The Listen, Torso and Spirit

Since time immemorial martial artists and warriors have known a smashing undercover that by training to defend yourself you go more peaceful. Why? Considering when y'all train in martial arts you lot are grooming your listen, body and spirit. The get-go two are the vehicles that carry the third, and all martial arts work and develop these three areas sometimes without the students knowing that this is being developed until they reach a stage of enlightenment.

Why Martial Art Concepts?

The Deeper Meaning

We've recently rebranded after 20 years, taking the time to reflect on what our logo represents.

Nosotros wanted to have it look like a shield, for protection. We wanted to proceed the Yin-Yang, a symbol used by Bruce Lee to represent the interchangeability and duality of life and combat and rooted in the history and tradition of martial arts.

We wanted to keep the cherry-red and yellow colours every bit homage to the original JKD (Jeet Kune Do) colours. Scarlet for happiness, success and skilful fortune. Yellow for liberty from material needs - symbolising power and royalty. We wanted flames to represent fire'southward ability to nurture but also destroy (more duality), to keep us warm just too to drive united states of america away with its power.

And we wanted to symbolise the rebirth, the regeneration, the renewal after such a long unprecedented layoff. So, we added the phoenix the mythical bird of; Renewal, rebirth, ability, strength, transformation. In ancient Rome information technology symbolised perpetual continuation and indomitable forcefulness. In Communist china, Balance, duality and polarity. A cycle of destruction, creation and fresh beginnings. The idea that the end is just the new first.

Our Martial Arts Classes

Our classes embrace all the leading arts including kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do, Combat Submission Wrestling, MMA and much more


Karate is a hitting fine art using punching, kick, knee and elbow strikes, as well every bit open-handed techniques. Come up and join a class at 1 of our three academies.

Inferior Martial Arts

Confidence, Respect, Goal Setting and Achievement, all of the things your child will acquire at MAC. Current research proves Martial Arts volition better your kid's fettle, confidence and enhance their life skills.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Current inquiry proves mixed martial arts volition improve fitness, aid you lot lose weight, gain a firmer toned trunk and develop essential skills to protect yourself as well.

Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Practise Concepts is about working in all ranges of gainsay and near the principles of martial art. We know JKD is a fantastic way to develop your whole torso motility, flexibility and core strength also.

Kung Fu Cubs (Ages 3-v)

Our goal is to support children in getting agile, building on core development and school readiness while learning awesome Martial Art moves through fun and friendly games and drills.

Gainsay Submission Wrestling

CSW represents a safe yet very realistic training suited to anyone wanting to learn a dynamic, heady and practical martial art.


Battle is one of the best ways to develop supreme physical fitness incredibly quickly. Y'all'll likewise do good from improved body strength, adult hand-eye Coordination and decreased stress.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a progressive innovative earth-class evolution of the original fine art and considered to exist the best ground fighting art in the globe today.


Cocky Defence, Kali, Eskrima, Dumog and Panantukan. Kali is a battle art and has stood the exam of time evolving into a fantastic martial art that develops mental agility as well as physical skills.

New to martial arts or been practicing for years?

Whether you're a consummate beginner or a skilled martial artist you'll notice a habitation at Martial Arts Concepts. Come and accept a costless private lesson so nosotros tin assess your level and propose.

Volume Your Free Private Lesson

Friendly Faces. Fun Classes. Serious Development.

What To Expect at MAC Academies

Don't feel daunted nigh coming along to any of our Martial Art Concepts academies. We're a friendly and fun place to exercise where anybody is welcome.

MAC offers martial art classes and training programs that are tailored to your needs so whether your young or a petty older, fit or trying to be fit, looking for conviction or self protection skills, together we can reach your goals.

Get in touch today. We can't expect to meet you!

"I fear not the man who has practiced ten,000 kicks in one case, simply I fearfulness the man who has proficient one boot 10,000 times."

Bruce Lee

Watch The MAC Intro

A short video outlining who we are and how we can assist you

What Do Our Students Say?

Both my daughters nourish Martial Arts Concepts three times per week. They enjoy their training and the social aspects of the sessions. It has improved their confidence, fitness and behaviour a smashing deal. One of the best decisions we made as parents when we enrolled them at the MAC Academy. It'south and so good that I've started preparation too!

Nikki Student & Parent

Kickboxing is corking! I started final yr, my shape has changed and I feel actually skilful when I become in that location. It has built up my conviction since I started and it is something I similar to practise for ME. Information technology took a lot to go and start but I only had to effort it and now I love it.

Julie Student

My son has been attending "MAC" for 18 months and within that time his focus, conclusion and perseverance has grown massively. I would recommend "MAC" to anybody.

Jon Bradley Parent

What Are You Waiting For?

We think the best way to for everybody to get-go is with a free private lesson. If you retrieve it's for y'all, nosotros'll and then requite y'all xxx days of free training.

Volume Your Gratis Private Lesson

Martial Arts Concepts Academies

Three Locations Spread Across The Westward Midlands

MAC Halesowen

Martial Art Concepts
1 Hereward Rise
B62 8AN
View on Map
Call: 0121 585 8534

MAC Stourbridge

Martial Art Concepts
Cridden Works
Dudley Road
View on Map
Telephone call: 01384 893097

MAC Dudley

Martial Art Concepts
Imex Auto Center
19 Dudley Port
View on Map
Telephone call: 0121 520 7927


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